Requirements for Thesis

IMPORTANT: Read up on "A Plagiarism Guide for Students".

Once you entered a PhD or Masters by research program, you must do research most of your time. It is imperative for you to meet with your supervisor at least weekly to report your progress. Moreover, you are encouraged to attend seminars and discuss with visiting scholars and researchers whenever opportunities arise.

You must schedule your course load so that you always have enough time for research. There is no excuse not doing research because of taking courses. You must discuss with your supervisor the courses you will take in each semester as well as your research schedule.

To complete the program, you must clear all requirements imposed by the School and the University. Besides, you must publish your results in refereed journals and international conferences. Interim results should be submitted for publication in a relevant international conference. More complete results should be submitted to reputable refereed journals. If you are in a Master's program, you are expected to publish at least two technical papers before you complete your thesis. If you are in a Ph.D. program, three or more technical papers are desirable for your thesis.

Your thesis should be prepared according to the guidelines set out by the University. Examples of theses could be found in the University library.

Last revised on Nov 25, 2015.

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